Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Inquiry into How the World Works

In Year 4 this week, we will be beginning our inquiry into, ‘How the World Works.’

The central idea for this inquiry is, ‘Technology and Inventions have changed our lives.’

We are currently looking for experts in this field to come in and talk to the girls about inventions/products they have developed or are developing. If you know someone who would be willing to come in or have a manufacturing plant suitable to visit, please email me with their contact details.

Additionally we are seeking any technology or inventions through the ages -for example old cell phones, typewriters, computers etc.  We will make a visual technology timeline.

Please remember to keep in touch with the class blogs-I will endeavor to ensure all updates and current information is available to you there.

Term overviews come home this Friday-please keep a look out for these.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Our letter from Queen Elizabeth

Look what came in the post while we were on holiday.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

Note from Mrs Harrison

Mrs Key visits Diocesan

As part of inquiry into Where we are in place and time, we were very lucky to have Mrs Key come and visit us and discuss her experiences as the wife of our Prime Minister.

"I like how she got to go to the Royal Wedding and Antarctica," said Brooke.

"I was interested we Mrs Key spoke about meeting with Barack Obama," said Lucy.

"I thought it was amazing how many events and famous people Mrs Key had attended and met," said Sophia.

"I was surprise Mrs Key was an ambassador for the guide dog foundation," said Sahaana.

"I was amazed that Mrs Key had visited so many countries," said Keltie-Kewan.

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Monday, July 1, 2013

Bernice Mene comes to visit

Bernice Mene came in and spoke about her experience as a Silver Fern netball player.

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