Monday, March 31, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

Garrick McCarthy visits Year 4

We were so lucky to have Garrick McCarthy visit from Biosecurity today.

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Art Home Learning due on Wednesday

from Ms Parker
I’ve updated the blog with some of the portraits. 
I have told the girls that I’ll print them as they send them to me.
They are to go in the front cover of their red folder.
Any problems and they can find me during lunch times.

****can you please ask your girls to bring in newspapers as we’ll need heaps for their sculptures? Stocks are low!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Scholastic Book Orders

Due to Mrs Storey on Monday. Don't miss out!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Our Animal Reports

We have been learning to write reports about animals to inform people about endangered animals around the world.
Emma's Report about Snow Leopards
Have you heard of Ella's Dugongs???
Cathy reporting on Elephants
Have you seen a Maui Dolphin???
Dyna wants to save the Panda
Come and see the rest of our Animal Reports in 4LOJ. 
Do you know of any organisations that help these animals? Please let us know.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

New Zealand Herald articles

There has been so many articles in the New Zealand Herald in the last fortnight relating to our current inquiry.

Rare native parakeets relocated to island sanctuary

Highly endangered Kakapo chick hatches in the wild

Critically endangered seabirds have record breeding season

Discuss with a buddy:

Factors that have contributed to these animals becoming endangered.

The role of humans towards extinction.


Netball and Hockey trials at lunch time

Lastest DJTV

DJTV Episode 4 from Diocesan School for Girls on Vimeo.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Igniting our inquiry into Sharing the Planet

We learnt that animals need water, food and shelter to stay healthy.
Without these basic needs we may not survive.

Habitat-the environment that a species lives in that suits it best because it meet its basic needs.

We found out that:

Threatened- means very close to being endangered.

Endangered-means there is not many of these species left. They are in danger of dying out.

Extinct-all species are gone.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Amazing Animals Video

Get the Paint off!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Our Bear

We have been using similes to describe this 'Bear'
Similes are comparing two different things and we need to use the words 'like' and 'as'

"Fluffy's fur is like creamy milk" (Sophia)
"Paddington has soft golden feet like smooth cooking dough" (Ella)
"Snow's bow is brown like chocolate" (Khushman)
"Frosty is as white as whipped cream" (Bella-Rose)
"Big Ted's eyes are as green as peas" (Eleanor)

Blazers for Full School Assembly

Blazers are required for FSA next Monday for a special assembly.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Captured Photography

We had fun learning how to take photos today with the Y13 girls.

Hand your A4 sized photo to Ms Parker by Thursday, March 20th
with your name and class on the back.

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2014 Brain Day

If you are interested in finding out more about the brain, there is a special event at the University of Auckland.

Click here for more information.