Friday, November 8, 2013

Term 4 Giving Focus

This term, Ms Loo is collating the Christmas Hamper that will be donated to the Anglican Trust for Woman and Children. Each girl chose the person they wish to buy for.

All gifts are to be brought to school by Wednesday, November 20th.

Today we discussed these special points:

·      What makes Christmas day special in the our homes and the challenges faced by the ATWC family
·      Helping students to choose appropriate items by discussing the types of things that family members of each of the age may appreciate the most
·      Christmas crackers, etc, would be a real treat
·      For the mums (and in some cases dads) – helping them work out what might be treats for them that they may not otherwise buy for themselves.
·      NB – boutique style preserves or expensive hand lotions etc are unnecessary – items of equal interest but lower budget are more appropriate.
·      Identifying 1 age appropriate gift for each family member,
·      toys without batteries please
·      no toys that promote war/violent play thanks
·      Label each of the gifts according to who it’s for, eg: “boy age 7”
·      Please use new, not second hand items
·      Food treats – non-perishable (check dates!)
·      No alcohol, thanks

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