Thursday, August 28, 2014

Visiting DIO Photo Exhibition

We had fun today visiting the DIO Photo Exhibition in the Centennial Building as part of our Visual Art lesson with Ms Parker.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How we Organise Ourselves-Y4 Marketplace

Here is the link to Mrs Chamel's presentation about the Science of Marketing. Use this to help you prepare for your Business Presentation on Friday.

This post on our class blog should have some helpful places to research prices.

You should consider the following questions:

Who wants the product?

How much does it cost to make the product?

How much are your customers willing to pay?

Remember this is your Marketplace. You will need to research the things you need, learn how to make your product and market your goods yourself.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Our guest speaker Mrs Chamel

Mrs Chamel (expert Marketing Consultant) came in and gave us great ideas about how to promote our products for our upcoming Year 4 Marketplace in Week 9.

We learnt about the 4Ps: Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

We are all so excited!

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This week's DJTV

DJTV19 from Diocesan School for Girls on Vimeo.

email from Mathletics

Hi Craig,

From the team here at 3P learning we want to wish Diocesan School For Girls the best of luck for the upcoming NZ Maths Challenge. This is one of the few times this year when students from all around NZ will be vying to be top of the Mathletics leader board.

It’s a fantastic chance for your students to try and top the Hall of Fame and show the country how amazing your class is – just remember two crucial dates:

  • Monday the 25th of August is the start of the Week-long Class Challenge 
  • Wednesday the 27th of August at 7am is the start of the Single-day Student Challenge.

This year the event will be run using the existing Mathletics website, so we’ve put together this email to highlight a few details around the Challenge.

The Challenges
As the event will be run using the existing Mathletics website your students' current logins and accounts will work fine.  It also means that students can participate in the Challenge via iPad and selected Android tablets - but they must use the on-line mode.

Single-day Student Challenge

Time frame: Starts 7am Wednesday the 27th of August and goes for exactly 24 hours.

Hall of Fame:  Students can monitor the top 100 students by using the NZ Hall of Fame on the front page of Mathletics.

Points: The aim of the game is to earn as many points as possible.  Students can earn points towards the Challenge via Live Mathletics and Curriculum activities (see below).

Week-long Class Challenge

Time frame: Starts 7am Monday the 25th of August and goes for exactly 7 days

Hall of Fame:  Students can monitor the top 50 classes by using the NZ Hall of Fame on the front page of Mathletics.

Points: All points earned during the week will go towards the Class Challenge - this includes points earned during the Single-day Student Challenge.
How the Points Work
There are two ways in which your students can gain points for the Challenge: Live Mathletics and Curriculum activities.

Live Mathletics

The Live race component of Mathletics.

Students receive a point for every question they answer correctly.

Students can choose to race against members of their own class, their school or around the world. Students can earn as many points as they want from Live Mathletics.

The Awards

Top 25 students in NZ will receive a commemorative NZMC trophy

Top 100 students will receive commemorative NZMC certificate and maths legend bangles

Top 25 classes will receive a commemorative NZMC class trophy (1 per class) and student certificates.
Bronze certificates and avatars

The NZMC is also a great opportunity for your students to get back into the groove of winning Bronze certificates.

Otherwise, from the team here at 3P Learning we want to wish your school the best of luck with the upcoming Challenge!

Good Luck and have fun!

The NZ Maths Challenge Team

Friday, August 15, 2014

Clevedon Village Craft Markets

If you wish to visit the Clevedon Craft Market that Eleanor spoke about, please click on the photo below

What makes good packaging???

What makes a good package?

  • Bright colours
  • It stands out
  • Symmetrical shape
  • Easy to stack
  • Easy to display
  • There is a picture of the product
  • iPad display (slideshow/advertisement)
  • Open package

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Life Education Merchadise

Lynn from Life Education will have the van open from 8-11am on Thursday (21 Aug) for any girls who would like to purchase Life Education merchandise. This will be the only time that the 'shop' will be open. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Persuasive writing sentence starters

Use these sentence starters to help you write your letters to Mrs Brewin or Ms McRae

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

MA4 Maths Books

MA4 with margin are available at the school uniform shop if you require a new one.

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Learning our favourite 3x tables

Monday, August 4, 2014

Why do we need to learn to multiply?

Check out this video to see why we need to learn out times tables.

We use our times tables to:

  • pay wages to hairdressers (Maia & Aimee)
  • make different foods and work out how many ingredients you need for each recipe (Dyna & Sophia)
  • know how many towels hotel cleaners need for each room (Vishakha)
  • work out pocket money $$$ (Sophie)

This week's DJTV

DJTV16 from Diocesan School for Girls on Vimeo.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Exciting sentence starters from our holiday stories

Due to the better weather, during the second week of the holiday it was a fine day to go on a bush walk. (Aimee)

On my birthday the 26th of July, my Mum and I went skiing together. (Georgia)

Suddenly, crash the aeroplane landed in Melbourne. (Sophia)

In order to go in and see the cars, we had to pay $40. (Lauren)

In addition to time, we had to set off to the airport quickly because of our flight time, even though when we got there it was delayed. (Eleanor)

Estimating and Measuring

We have been busy estimating and measuring items in the class that were between 1-5 metres.

Thank you Ella and Anabel for sharing your work.