Thursday, March 14, 2013

Special Guest Garrick Gibbons from Biosecurity

This afternoon we were very fortunate to have Garrick from Biosecurity come in and speak to us about his job which involves protecting wildlife and their habitats in New Zealand.

Garrick Gibbons from Biosecurity
 Did you know?
  • It has taken millions on years for species to evolve.
  • The tuatara is a living dinosaur.
  • Humans have only been in New Zealand for a very short time compared to how long the land has been around.
  • 95% of all Kiwi chicks will be killed by stoats.
  • Mustelids can include: ferrets, stoats and weasels. These were all brought to New Zealand for their meat, fur and to kill rabbits, unfortunately they ended up killing our native birds!

Why are our New Zealand species so important?
  • The species are very important to our country and now they are in real danger of becoming extinct. 
  • There are currently only 130 Kakapo left in the whole world and they all live in New Zealand.

Why are New Zealand species vulnerable?
  • They evolved without any predators (nothing to eat them or harm them).
  • They were flightless, they had no need to fly and they adapted to their environment.
  • They are very slow and have knowledge of the skills to defend themselves.
  • They do not produce many young because in the past there were no predators so they did need to produce at a great rate.
Why are our native species important?
  • They are needed for a healthy ecosystem.
  • They disperse seeds.
  • They help to pollinate flowers.
  • They breakdown and recycle nutrients-woods and leaves in the stream.
Why are our native species threatened?
  • Introduced competitors such as mice, other birds and algae who eat the same food as them.
  • Introduced browsers such as possums, pigs, goats and deer.
  • Introduced predators such as mustelids, rats, cats and dogs.
Predators can include:
  • cats
  • dogs
  • rats
  • stoats
  • possum
  • ferrets
  • weasels
  • hedgehogs
What is being done???

  • Poisons are being used to kill the predators (helicopters are used to help too)
  • Traps are being set to catch the predators
  • Sometimes we need to shoot the predators

To see all the photos from the visit please click here

1 comment:

  1. Hannah tried to convince Sydney that a possum pie would taste just like a mince pie...not so sure about that!
